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how to invest in crypto with Argent
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Why choose Argent's services
Personalized Planning
Safe & Secure
We promote best practices and use only the safest channels for exchanging value. We will help you secure your crypto once it is in hand.
Knowledge-based Decisions
We understand the pros and cons of the different players in the Canadian market, and can optimize your plan. We monitor a myriad of parameters on a daily basis.
Personal Service
We’re real people that meet you face to face.
We want to build a relationship.
Save Time & Money
We research crypto day in and day out, so you don’t have to. Our fees are less than many OTC options available, and you’ll learn a lot from us too. Give us a try.
Argent does not record, store, or track your financial information between client sessions in order to secure your safety and privacy.
Partner Network
We’ve partnered with specialized talent in the industry to help connect you to tax, accounting, banking, and further crypto advice should you need it.